Best Practices for DCP handling

Film Studio
2 min readDec 13, 2023


In the ever-evolving landscape of cinema exhibition, the transition from traditional film reels to Digital Cinema Packages (DCPs) has revolutionized the way filmmakers bring their creations to the big screen. As the heartbeat of contemporary cinema distribution, DCPs demand meticulous handling to ensure a flawless projection experience for audiences worldwide.

DCP Delivery

DCPs may be delivered to a distributor or exhibitor via digital or physical format. In the case of digital sending, you have to send the whole folder for the DCP and inform the recipient of the DCP’s CPL (check DCP International Name Convention).

DCP Physical Delivery

When a physical delivery is the preferred one, you must send it in a NTFS EXT2, or EXT3 hard drive. You may format the hard drive on your computer (EXT is a Linux format) or use third-party apps, like Paragon or Tuxera.

The hard drive should have a label with the following information:

  • Film Title in original language and English;
  • CPL;
  • Resolution (2K or 4K);
  • Format (aspect ratio);
  • Framerate;
  • Duration (in hh:mm:ss:ff & number of frames)
  • Audio Format (Stereo, 5.1 or 7.1);
  • Audio Language;
  • 2D/3D;
  • Size (in GB);
  • Name and Contact of DCP responsible or sender;

DCP Delivery with VF or other extra packages

In the case you send more than one CPL — the film has one CPL (OV) and the extra package (VF) only includes the subtitles -, you must inform the recipient of which CLP the projectionist should ingest first.

Always ingest the VF package first, and only then the OV package, otherwise, the film will not screen with subtitles;

Digital Cinema Package Encryption

Digital Cinema screenings are on a server basis. Each movie theater chain has a specific key and every movie screen on that theater chain has a particular key. Distributors, festivals and sales agents may also require DKDM or KDM;

If your DCP is encrypted, you must configure your DCP KDM (distribution key), at least for the specific Cinema Chain and the Movie Screen;

When sending the DCP, you must include the KDM (viewing-only distribution key), otherwise the theater won’t be able to decrypt the DCP.

In the cases of sales agents, distributors and festivals, you may be required to send the DKDM (distribution key that allows its holder to open and not only screen the DCP), for them to generate KDM for each exhibitor or playback servers.

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Film Studio
Film Studio

Written by Film Studio

Where Creatives Become Creators. 📝📽🖥 A platform to inspire, help and educate film and videomakers.

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